It's a dirty secret that few test their CFEngine policies, and fewer
still test them well. Now EFL has two bundles for testing that produce
TAP output.
Continue reading Testing CFEngine policy using EFL, TAP, and Perl...

If you are planning to move to RHEL7 you may have to change your
kickstart and virt-install
scripts. The virt-install changes will also apply to Debian based
Continue reading Changes in virt-install and Kickstart in RHEL7...

I've added a new bundle
to the 3.5 branch of EFL. This bundle efl_test_count allows you to
count the classes matching a regular expression and test if that count
matches your expected count. Consider the efl_service bundle, it
promises that services are configured and running. My SSH parameters
for this bundle include a template file for configuration. I promise
that /etc/ssh/sshd_config is built from the sshd_config.tmp, a
Continue reading Testing CFEngine policy by counting classes...

After 2 productive days at Devopsdays Toronto
I've been thinking more about how to test CFEngine policy. Not just
prototype, but production tests too. The ideal situation is that a
machine tests your would-be production policy and then deploys it fully
if the test suite passes. This is completely automatic. How do we get
Continue reading Testing CFEngine policy...

Evolve Thinking is proud to sponsor Devops Days Toronto 2014,
September 12 and 13. Find me there and ask me anything.