Essential audit reports with Delta Reporting
Delta Reporting has simple yet powerful reports. See a gallery of essential
Delta Reporting has simple yet powerful reports. See a gallery of essential
Sometimes you want to audit a host without changing it. This can be hard with CFEngine, but with EFL and Delta Reporting it's possible.
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Above is a screenshot from Evolve's production Delta Reporting service. These hosts are safe from Shell shock. Thanks to Delta Reporting, EFL, and CFEngine our journey to a safe harbour was not long. First we had to design a test for the vulnerability.
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I've added a new bundle to the 3.5 branch of EFL. This bundle efl_test_count allows you to count the classes matching a regular expression and test if that count matches your expected count. Consider the efl_service bundle, it promises that services are configured and running. My SSH parameters for this bundle include a template file for configuration. I promise that /etc/ssh/sshd_config is built from the sshd_config.tmp, a template.
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Delta Reporting and CFEngine are not centralized applications. Yes, I do describe DR as centralized reporting for CFEngine, but that is a simplistic view for easy consumption. Both CFEngine and Delta Reporting are far more flexible.
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