It's very likely that EFL
for CFEngine 3.6 will be able to read both CSV and JSON parameter
files. Some EFL users are looking forward to this because some CSV
files have very long lines and are hard to read. On the other hand some
CSV files are short and less cluttered than an equivalent JSON file
would be. At first I tried to transition completely to JSON files, but
upon further consideration EFL will be able to use both. Here's how.
Continue reading EFL tech preview for JSON parameters...

Above is a screenshot from Evolve's production Delta Reporting
service. These hosts are safe from Shell shock. Thanks to Delta
Reporting, EFL,
and CFEngine our journey to a safe harbour was
not long. First we had to design a test for the vulnerability.
Continue reading Shellshock free with CFEngine and Delta Reporting...

I've added a new bundle
to the 3.5 branch of EFL. This bundle efl_test_count allows you to
count the classes matching a regular expression and test if that count
matches your expected count. Consider the efl_service bundle, it
promises that services are configured and running. My SSH parameters
for this bundle include a template file for configuration. I promise
that /etc/ssh/sshd_config is built from the sshd_config.tmp, a
Continue reading Testing CFEngine policy by counting classes...

After 2 productive days at Devopsdays Toronto
I've been thinking more about how to test CFEngine policy. Not just
prototype, but production tests too. The ideal situation is that a
machine tests your would-be production policy and then deploys it fully
if the test suite passes. This is completely automatic. How do we get
Continue reading Testing CFEngine policy...
Delta Reporting
and CFEngine are not centralized applications. Yes, I do describe DR as
centralized reporting for CFEngine, but that is a simplistic view for
easy consumption. Both CFEngine and Delta Reporting are far more
Continue reading Delta Reporting and CFEngine are NOT centralized applications...