Simple CFEngine server access promises using EFL


Here's an EFL bundle that simplifies access promises for cf-serverd. CFEngine users with a complex environment will especially benefit. --- The Evolve Thinking Free Library or EFL provides commonly used promise bundles that you can configure using simple CSV parameter files. You don't need a PHD in CFEngie to get things done.

Unlike EFL agent bundles the server bundle efl_server cannot be passed parameter files. The is a CFEngine limit. Instead variable 'efl_server_txt' in the bundle 'efl_c' defines the location of the parameter file to ${sys.workdir}/inputs/user_data/bundle_params/efl_server.txt. The file format has four columns from zero to three.

  • Zero is the constraining class expression. The record is only promised if this class expression is true.

  • One is the promiser directory that we are granting access to.

  • Two is comma separated list of IP's or hostnames who we grant access to (see admit).

  • Three is a free form promisee for documentation and searching.

    Context(0) ;; promiser directory(1) ;; Command separated admit list(2) ;; Promisee(3)

    am_policy_hub ;; ${sys.workdir}/masterfiles ;; 2001:470:1d:a2f::/64 ;; Bootstrapping and updates ettin ;; ${sys.workdir}/private/alix/ ;; 2001:470:1d:a2f::1 ;; 6in4 tunnel mercury ;; /var/www/blog1/ ;; ${sys.policy_hub} ;; Backups titan ;; /var/www/evolve/ ;; ${sys.policy_hub} ;; Backups any ;; ${sys.workdir}/drop/ ;; ${sys.policy_hub} ;; File transfers as needed

If you run cf-serverd -Fvl you'll see the access rules being applied.

cf3> *****************************************************************
cf3> BUNDLE efl_server
cf3> *****************************************************************
cf3>    =========================================================
cf3>    access in bundle efl_server (0)
cf3>    =========================================================
cf3> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
cf3> Skipping whole next promise (/var/www/evolve-wp/), as var-context titan is not relevant
cf3> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
cf3> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
cf3> Skipping whole next promise (/var/www/blog1/), as var-context mercury is not relevant
cf3> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
cf3> Summarize control promises
cf3> Granted access to paths :
cf3> Path '/var/cfengine/private/alix' (encrypt=0)
cf3> Admit: '2001:470:1d:a2f::1' root=
cf3> Path '/var/cfengine/drop' (encrypt=0)
cf3> Admit: '2001:470:1d:a2f::2' root=

When you upgrade CFEngine the upgrade offers new inputs like the sever bundle 'access_rules' in the file If you have access rules in that bundle you'll need to merge the old file with the upgrade's improved file. Using the efl_server bundle the data is separated from policy eliminating the need to merge policy files.