CFEngine 2 to 3 migration? Beware of data loss


CFEengine 3 bootstrapping can result in the loss of CFEngine 2 inputs. A common strategy to migrate from CFEngine 2 to 3 is to run both in parallel. --- Both versions share the same default inputs directory of /var/cfengine/inputs. A CF3 bootstrap deletes all files in the inputs directory:

[root@atlrhel5is cfengine]# cf-agent -IB 
2013-10-29T12:37:43-0400     info: Removing all files in '/var/cfengine/inputs/'

Now your working CF2 inputs are gone. I've reported a bug about this, but I do not know when or if it will be addressed. As a work around I suggest a wrapper script to your bootstrap procedure. Something like this snippet:

TS=$(date +%s)

mkdir /var/cfengine/inputs-${TS}
cp -r /var/cfengine/inputs/* /var/cfengine/inputs-${TS}

if [ $? -eq 0 ]
      cf-agent -B
      cp -nr /var/cfengine/inputs-${TS}/* /var/cfengine/inputs/

This will preserve and restore your pre-bootstrap inputs, while keeping any new files created by the bootstrap. Be sure to test any bootstrap or upgrade procedure thoroughly. Contact us for more help and information.

Simple CFEngine server access promises using EFL


Here's an EFL bundle that simplifies access promises for cf-serverd. CFEngine users with a complex environment will especially benefit. --- The Evolve Thinking Free Library or EFL provides commonly used promise bundles that you can configure using simple CSV parameter files. You don't need a PHD in CFEngie to get things done.

Unlike EFL agent bundles the server bundle efl_server cannot be passed parameter files. The is a CFEngine limit. Instead variable 'efl_server_txt' in the bundle 'efl_c' defines the location of the parameter file to ${sys.workdir}/inputs/user_data/bundle_params/efl_server.txt. The file format has four columns from zero to three.

  • Zero is the constraining class expression. The record is only promised if this class expression is true.

  • One is the promiser directory that we are granting access to.

  • Two is comma separated list of IP's or hostnames who we grant access to (see admit).

  • Three is a free form promisee for documentation and searching.

    Context(0) ;; promiser directory(1) ;; Command separated admit list(2) ;; Promisee(3)

    am_policy_hub ;; ${sys.workdir}/masterfiles ;; 2001:470:1d:a2f::/64 ;; Bootstrapping and updates ettin ;; ${sys.workdir}/private/alix/ ;; 2001:470:1d:a2f::1 ;; 6in4 tunnel mercury ;; /var/www/blog1/ ;; ${sys.policy_hub} ;; Backups titan ;; /var/www/evolve/ ;; ${sys.policy_hub} ;; Backups any ;; ${sys.workdir}/drop/ ;; ${sys.policy_hub} ;; File transfers as needed

If you run cf-serverd -Fvl you'll see the access rules being applied.

cf3> *****************************************************************
cf3> BUNDLE efl_server
cf3> *****************************************************************
cf3>    =========================================================
cf3>    access in bundle efl_server (0)
cf3>    =========================================================
cf3> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
cf3> Skipping whole next promise (/var/www/evolve-wp/), as var-context titan is not relevant
cf3> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
cf3> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
cf3> Skipping whole next promise (/var/www/blog1/), as var-context mercury is not relevant
cf3> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
cf3> Summarize control promises
cf3> Granted access to paths :
cf3> Path '/var/cfengine/private/alix' (encrypt=0)
cf3> Admit: '2001:470:1d:a2f::1' root=
cf3> Path '/var/cfengine/drop' (encrypt=0)
cf3> Admit: '2001:470:1d:a2f::2' root=

When you upgrade CFEngine the upgrade offers new inputs like the sever bundle 'access_rules' in the file If you have access rules in that bundle you'll need to merge the old file with the upgrade's improved file. Using the efl_server bundle the data is separated from policy eliminating the need to merge policy files.