Simple CFEngine setup with EFL
CFEngine can be confusing and frustrating for new users. I'll try to offer you a condensed and easy to follow procedure, including the EFL addon.
CFEngine is client server application. The server, sometimes called the hub, runs the program cf-serverd that acts as a file server for agents. Cf-agent, the agent program, runs on all hosts including server. It downloads policy and files from the server and enforces that policy on the host by manipulating files and processes, just as a normal sysadmin would.
Classes are the if ( test ) then of the CFEngine language. Tests are built in, called hard classes, or user defined, soft classes. Hosts that pass the test are members of the class.
Example hard classes: linux, ipv4_10_0_0_0, debian, cfengine_3_7.
Example soft classes: dmz_host, firewall, dhcp_server, restart_httpd.
Downlaod and install CFEngine
Prep masterfiles
Install EFL
Using IPv6
Server ACL rules
Stage inputs
Start cf-serverd
Bootstrap agent hosts
Version control
Getting stuff done
Note: assume these steps are on your CFEngine server unless stated otherwise.
Download and install CFEngine
Official CFEngine packages are found here. Packages for most Linux distributions can be found there. For none Linux binaries try or you'll have build your own binaries from the source code. By default CFEngine installs to the prefix /var/cfengine.
Prep masterfiles
The CFEngine masterfiles policy framework is installed with the binaries to /var/cfengine/share/corebase. Copy the contents to /var/cfengine/masterfiles. Masterfiles is the default directory that the agent will draw files from at bootstrap and afterwards. Sometimes the masterfiles are not packaged with CFEngine. In such cases you have to get masterfiles from the source. You can copy files from other locations too, but bootstrapping is always from masterfiles. This is an advanced topic for another discussion.
Prep EFL's masterfiles
Download EFL's masterfiles directory into /var/cfengine/masterfiles.
Edit def.json
Def.json is read by the masterfiles policy and parsed for select information. To enable EFL to run add this to /var/cfengine/masterfiles/def.json, or create the file if it does not exists.
"classes" :
"services_autorun" : "any"
This snippet turns on the soft class services_autorun which will cause CFEngine to read the EFL file services/
Using IPv6
Sadly CFEngine does not support IPv6 out of the box. You must make changes to masterfiles. Edit the file controls/ In the body server control add this line:
body server control {
# Add this line to make cf-server listen on all interfaces,
# including IPv6 interfaces
bindtointerface => "::";
Server ACL rules
Recall that cf-serverd is a file server. Like most file servers it uses ACL rules to determine what clients are able to access. Masterfiles allows some ACLs in def.json, but EFL's own mechanism is more flexible. In this example, assume your server is 2001:DB8::2, with a hostname of 'mars' and your other clients are in the range of 2001:DB8::/32. Change these to IPv6 or 4 addresses as you require. Edit the file efl_data/bundle_params/efl_server.json to match what is shown below. Cf-serverd will read this file, and if the hosts is a member of the mars hard class (derived from the hostname), it will allow agents access to /var/cfengine/modules and /var/cfengine/masterfiles if they are part of the network 2001:0DB8::/32.
"promisee" : "cfengine server",
"class" : "mars",
"path" : "${sys.workdir}/masterfiles/",
"admit" : [
"path" : "${sys.workdir}/modules/",
"class" : "mars",
"promisee" : "cfengine server",
"admit" : [
Note that admit is an array. Add more networks to the arrays to grant access to agent hosts from other networks.
Stage inputs
Now that mastefiles is ready copy them to /var/cfengine/inputs in order to start the server.
Test your new inputs with /var/cfengine/bin/cf-promises -c. If no errors are printed and the exit status is zero, you're good to go.
Start cfengine
Boostrap the agent
Now bootstrap the server to itself. The server is always it's first client host.
/var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent -B 2001:DB8::2
Repeat this bootstrap command on other agent hosts.
Version control
Now that masterfiles is working check it into version control. Git, Mercurial, Subversion, whatever you use, but don't edit masterfiles directly. Use version control, stage changes, then deploy to the masterfiles directory. See my best practices articles for more information on testing and staging.
Getting stuff done
Now that masterfiles is working you'll want to write your own policy. You shouldn't do that, but let me explain before you get angry. EFL can accomplish most of your tasks without you having to write custom CFEngine policy. Now that you have EFL installed, mastefiles working, and agent hosts boostrapped, you just need to start using EFL. See building data files in the EFL install document.
About EFL
EFL is an open source policy framework for CFEngine. EFL's goal to tackle the most common CFEngine tasks without having to write your own policy. It is mature (since May 2013), well tested, and you can buy support from its creator Neil Watson.