Serverspec, the good, the bad, and the ugly


I've been using a talking about Serverspec lately. Let me tell you about the surprises I found.

A Quick Introduction

Severspec is a Ruby powered tool the tests server configuration. You write a description of a systems configuration (e.g. packages installed, processes running, file hashes and contents) and Serverspec tests one or more hosts against it. It uses SSH and Sudo to test remote hosts and, optionally, with privileges.

Goal: testing multiple hosts

I have a group of CFEngine servers that I want to test against a desired standard. I could use CFEngine, but I prefer a third party tool for better confirmation. The Serverspec file looks like this:

require 'spec_helper'
require 'socket'

describe package('cfengine-community') do
   it { should be_installed }

describe command( '/var/cfengine/bin/cf-promises --version') do
   its(:stdout) { should match /3\.6\.5/ }

# Removed due to bug
# describe service( 'cfengine3' ) do
   # it { should be_enabled }
# end

describe "CFEngine service should start at boot, chkconfig cfengine3" do
   describe command( '/sbin/chkconfig cfengine3' ) do
      its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }

for proc in [ 'execd', 'serverd', 'monitord' ]
   describe process( "cf-#{proc}" ) do
      it { should be_running }
      its(:user) { should eq 'root' }

describe port(5308) do
  it { should be_listening }

When you run the test with rake spec it makes all those tests against the target machines and returns a report.


As you see the example, I commented out a service test. This test is supposed to examine the return code of chkconfig --list cfengin3|grep 3:on but it always failed. Serverspec's Github repository has issue tracking disabled so I was not able to submit a bug report, and the maintainer did not return my email.

Testing multiple hosts

The Advanced Tips section of provides tips on how to test multiple hosts against a single set of tests. This didn't work well. Testing would stop after the first failure rather continuing to each test and each host. With no Serverspec community I was limited in who I could ask for help, but I did ask a colleague who spoke about Serverspec at Devops Days Toronto. He was not able to make this work either. Eventually I was able to get help on Stackoverflow. Thank you Arthur Maltson (@amatlson), and egwspiti for helping me.

The good, the bad, and the ugly

The good

A full range of testing features to cover most of your needs all in a simple descriptive language.

The bad

Documentation lacks detail.

The ugly

A lack of community and creator support.

  • no bug submissions

  • no user mailing list or forum

  • dead irc channel on Freenode

  • Stackoverflow community is small, just 8 followers and 33 questions.

  • Git maintainer did not answer my email

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