Secure sysctl settings with CFEngine


Here's how to maintain Linux sysctl settings across all hosts in an organization using the Evolve free promise library and CFEngine. ---

Sysctl data is separated from CFEngine policy in its own data file.

# sysctl.txt
# Promise sysctl.conf and live kernel settings

# context(0) ;; sysctl variable name(1)         ;; value(2) ;; promisee(3)
any          ;; net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra     ;; 0        ;; ipv6 auto assign
any          ;; net.ipv6.conf.all.autoconf      ;; 0        ;; ipv6 auto assign
any          ;; net.ipv6.conf.default.autoconf  ;; 0        ;; ipv6 auto assign
any          ;; net.ipv6.conf.eth0.accept_ra    ;; 0        ;; ipv6 auto assign
sol          ;; net.ipv6.conf.bond0.accept_ra   ;; 0        ;; ipv6 auto assign

alix         ;; net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding    ;; 1        ;; Routing
alix         ;; net.ipv4.ip_forward             ;; 1        ;; Routing
neptune      ;; proc.sys.kernel.sysrq           ;; 0        ;; Laptop security

Columns labeled 1 and 2 are the sysctl setting name and the value. Column 3 is the promisee, used for documentation. Column 0 is the class or context that must be true for the sysctl setting to be applied.

The Evolve free promise library has two sysctl bundles. One promises live sysctl settings and the other promises the sysctl.conf file. Use methods promises to call each bundle, passing the same parameter file.


"live sysctl settings"
   usebundle => efl_sysctl_live( "${sys.workdir}/inputs/bundle_params/sysctl.txt" ),
   action    => if_elapsed( "240" );

"sysctl conf settings"
   usebundle => efl_sysctl_conf_file( "${sys.workdir}/inputs/bundle_params/sysctl.txt" ),
   action    => if_elapsed( "240" );

The live bundle calls the sysctl command often. If_elapsed is used to reduce the load from excessive promise evaluation.

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